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Monday, January 23, 2012

Things Your Mechanic Doesn’t Want You to Know

You Don’t Need an Engine Oil Change Every 5000km

When you visit your mechanic for an oil change, you’re guaranteed to get a little sticker placed on your windshield scheduling your next visit in 5000km,It’s one way for mechanics to keep you coming in. In reality, mileage intervals between oil changes recommended by manufacturers range from 8000km on average up to 12000km and higher.
How often you need an oil change is dependent on how you use your car, not the word of your mechanic. Newer cars come equipped with digital oil indicators so you know exactly when it’s time for an oil change.

You Don’t Need to Flush Money Down the Drain with a Transmission Flush

If you receive regular car maintenance like oil changes, then transmission flushes are not necessary. And don’t trust a mechanic that insists otherwise. Newer vehicles are built with longer-lasting parts and computerized monitoring systems, making transmission flushes near obsolete. Instead with a transmission flush you risk harming your car by placing too much pressure on your system. That is why most manufacturers recommend against the service.

Brake Pads Condition 

Look at the brake pads yourself before committing to new pads and think about changing them yourself. "It's a really well-kept secret that changing a brake pad is pretty easy," Reed said. "People get freaked out with brakes thinking that if they don't do it correctly, the car won't stop. If there's a problem with your brakes, you'll know right away."
Don't fret either if the mechanic says the brakes are about 50% worn down. They don't need to be replaced until they're 85% to 90% worn.
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